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Download sega mega drive light

While the single-screen, trap-the-monsters action may have seemed old hat at a time when Sonic was tearing through levels like lightning, Wani Wani World has aged quite well. At any rate, the resulting game is a bright, breezy bit of fun. Was Kaneko inspired by the success of Sonic the Hedgehogand intent on creating an “animal with attitude” character of its own? Quite possibly. Later ported to the Sega Game Gear by Kaneko itself, Berlin Wall was mysteriously altered for the Genesis, where it was given a new title and an entirely different central character – a crocodile (“wani” being the Japanese word for crocodile). In 1991, Japanese studio Kaneko created an arcade game called The Berlin Wall – a revival of the old Space Panicgame with better graphics, end-of-world bosses, and lots of power-ups.

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If you’re into collecting things, the box looks great, too. El Viento may desperately want to be a Castlevaniabeater, but it’s more akin to a ’90s straight-to-video movie, which oddly enough, is actually a recommendation.

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